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Robin Rimbaud - Scanner

Robin Rimbaud - Sc...

Farewell to performance artist Ulay who has died in Ljubljana, Slovenia, aged 76. His works with @ArtistisPresent were unforgettable, challenging, and frequently terrifying.…
Robin Rimbaud - Scanner
Abhay Karandikar

Abhay Karandikar

IIT Kanpur really prides itself on its illustrious alumni – pioneers & pathbreakers in so many fields, all over the world. Dr. Ajay Bhushan Pandey, who has now been appointed as the new Finance Secretary, is one such feather in our cap. Hearty Congratulations to Dr. Ajay!
CNN International

CNN International

South Korean officials say their new drive-through coronavirus testing stations are faster and safer than going to a hospital or clinic
CNN International
Sharyland ISD

Sharyland ISD

Pioneer Diamondbacks defeat CC Veterans 71-55 for a spot in the Regional Semifinals on Friday at 6:00 pm in San Antonio.  Congratulations Coaches and players!!
Sharyland ISD
Pioneer High School MEChA

Pioneer High Schoo...

dm for information about guest passes
Pioneer High School MEChA


“Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting that it will not happen...” A pioneer and provocateur: performance artist Ulay dies aged 76. Rest in peace. Ulay is best known for his works with his like-minded former partner Marina Abramovic.

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