Auriculares Buenos

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Auriculares Vío - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Rated 5 based on 5 Reviews "MUY BUENOS..." porque son los auriculares intraurales con mejor servicio post venta que he conocido.
Shing @TheCultureMap

Shing @TheCultureMap

Buenos Aires is filled with interesting architecture, but the National Library of Argentine Republic stole the show for me. Concrete and curves is a kill combo ???? #brutalistarchitecture
Shing @TheCultureMap
buenos días

buenos días

i want what they have
buenos días
OVO Taco

OVO Taco

Literally any metric will tell you it was Florida…
OVO Taco
Alejandro Velasco

Alejandro Velasco

NYU prez tells me to go about my business as normal, don’t be impulsive or overreact he says, take regular flu season measures. Also tells me I can’t travel anywhere for 60 days or else ????????‍♀️ See you when I see you Buenos Aires and Guadalajara! FML.
Sergio Pretini

Sergio Pretini

Permiso, vengo a presumir... Soja segunda y maíz tardío. Some areas are "cooking" because excessive heat and missed rains during last storms. Other like my fields still look really good. Second crop soy (after wheat) and late planted corn. North of Buenos Aires State, Arg.


maternal grandfather: ???????? CABA maternal grandmother: ???????? Buenos Aires paternal grandfather: ???????? Buenos Aires paternal grandmother: ???????? Sicilia father: ???????? Buenos Aires mother: ???????? Buenos Aires…