“There’s something nostalgic about old books. The smell. The sounds of the yellowed pages as you flip them with your thumb, the artistry of the their bindings.” He inhales deeply after speaking, his low timbred voice is so low she has to press her EarPods in more to hear him. twitter.com/adamdriversput…
This septa bus driver slammed on her brakes so hard the other day I hit my head, fell out the seat and my EarPods flew out???? I had literally bought those bitches I was so mad. But my mans surprised me with new ones yesterday I was so hype ????
I recently bought a Mi smart band 4 with WTS earpods on 25th February from a ahmedabad based company name @edigisales but when i opened the courier i found that there i a cheap portable speaker instead of the product i ordered.
Please look into this matter @PiyushGoyalOffc