✅If you wanna help someone, just be a step behind to absorb all their problems.
Let’s practice this... ✅Comece a perceber quando está se tornando uma esponja e absorvendo os problemas alheios, interrompa essa… instagram.com/p/B8_WJf9hf2a/…
Kyrie 5 Bob esponja
Kyrie 5 calamardo
Kyrie 5 Patricio
Kyrie 2 don cangrejo Calidad Legit y UA????
Info por DM instagram.com/p/B8_nGujg9vH/… Sneakers_NMore
Currently making a sandwich got my Doritos,Capri Sun, and stuffed elephant ready to binge watch Bob Esponja *????????* so while I do that if y’all can help me figure out which episodes to watch like the funniest ones i’d really appreciate it :)))