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Our 3rd Annual Pulsera Project is going great!
Stop by and get yours! Ask for Pulsera grams!#BruinsHelpingOthers
@PulseraProject @CamdenHS_Bruins @CamdenSchoolsNC Johanna Alfonzo Broyles
La autopsia confirma que #CarlosOrellano cayó muerto al agua del Paraná.
Tenía golpes en todo el cuerpo, signos de asfixia y sangre en un pulmón. Todo por una pulsera. Muchísima bronca.
Justicia por Carlos y cárcel de por vida para los asesinos.
Kicking off World Languages week by helping others. Bracelets and bags will be sold during lunch periods in the MS and HS. Come support the Pulsera Project! @PulseraProject @lvcsd Amy Watson
Pulsera Project in full swing! Donations support education and workers in Nicaragua and Guatemala. Nice job! #Qnited Damian Switzer